sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017


Hola a todos, estamos casi a punto de finalizar el proyecto de las Plantas, es por ello que antes de evaluar todo lo que han aprendido hasta ahora sería muy recomendable que repasaran en casa. A continuación os detallo los contenidos que hemos dado y adjunto unas fichas de repaso.

Hello everyone, we have almost finished the project "Plants". For this reason, and before evaluating their knowledge, it would be highly recommendable if they reviewed the contents at home. I will list the contents learnt in class and attach some worksheets to review them.


Parts of a Plant (roots, stem, leaf, leaves, flower, fruit)
Parts of a Tree (roots, trunk, branch, branches, twig, crown)
Types of Plants (grass, bushes, tress)
Needs of a Plant (Water, sunlight, air and soil)
Photosynthesis (Water+sunlight+carbon dioxide= sugar+oxygen)
Germination (How a seed turns into a plant)
Plants we eat (roots: carrots, radish, beetroot.../ Stem: leek, celery, asparagus.../ Flowers: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower..../Leaves: lettuce, Chard, spinach...


Happy long weekend!

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